Book A Free Call Below

Find out if Youngify is right for fixing your pain or injury problem

  • During the no-obligation free call Michael Ridgway will explain if your problem is what we typically fix, what would time commitments and costs might be involved and answer your questions. FAQs are below.

  • If we are a good fit and you want to try the next step, your first 30 minutes of treatment will be free of charge, and the next 30 minutes will be $350.


  • What does the Ridgway Pain & Injury Process entail? What can I expect during these sessions?

    • There are 4 stages. Stages 1&2 assess the parts of your problem using measures of nervous system protection. Stage 3 involves releases to see instant improvements with a process of elimination, until ~100% improved, or not. Stage 4 involves teaching you new muscle firing control (new postural control) to maintain the improvements, as well as occasional tune-ups to help you make this life-long.

  • Can you share any case studies or testimonials from past clients who had similar issues to mine?

    • Yes. See this page for Results After Treatment for more than 15 examples. If your type of problem isn’t shown there we’ll explain examples during the free call.

    • Physiotherapists are not allowed to share testimonials due to AHPRA’s rules. You are welcome to look up Google reviews to see what clients have to say.

  • What is the science behind the "protective response" of the nervous system you mention, and how do you test for this during the appointment?

    • There are many different types of protective responses by our nervous system. One example is a Tendon Jerk Reflex, for example when a small plastic hammer hits our patella (knee) tendon then our leg kicks out rapidly and uncontrollably–our subconscious brains (and spinal cord) react to the excessive force of the hammer by firing the tight muscles. Similarly, when we have excessive force in our bodies from postural strain or injury then our subconscious brain responds with reflex protective responses that persist in a feedback loop.

  • How long does it typically take to start seeing results with your treatment process?

    • Most clients start seeing dramatic instant results within the first 1-2 hours. This is an indicator that it is worth continuing.

  • What kind of commitment or changes in my lifestyle are required to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment?

    • Initially, we need to minimise flaring up the pain, usually for 2-5days. Following that you’ll need to practice your new, ideal muscle-firing strategies that we teach you, to minimise recurrence of your problems. Most clients practice this like an exercise for a few weeks to create a new habit and then continue this during everyday life ongoing.